Tuesday 19 February 2008

New Daylight Savings Issue with SharePoint 2007

With daylight savings time changing in Australia, this could cause some issues with WSS 2.0 and WSS 3.0. There's an easy fix for this problem. Go to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-au/bb978329.aspx and follow the instructions. If you still have a problem following the instructions, please let me know and I will put details instructions up here for you to follow. But basically there's a few things to do:
  • Apply the latest cumulative time zone updates to the host Windows Server operating system.
  • Apply the latest hotfix or service pack to WSS to rectify known daylight saving issues and obtain the most recent version of TIMEZONE.XML.
  • Update TIMEZONE.XML to reflect the changes in daylight saving time.
  • Use the SharePoint TZMOVE function to adjust any time-dependent data items that fall between the old and new daylight saving times.

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