Wednesday, 28 May 2008

70-631 Configuring Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services

I finally decided to stop being lazy and go sit an Exam. I sat exam 70-631 Configuring Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and passed it. Not too hard, but there's some questions there that I don't think should be in a SharePoint exam.

eg, What does ISA config got to do with SharePoint config? As a SharePoint administrator, I don't think you need to know the exact steps to setting up rules in ISA, or MOM, or SQL. Now, Im not saying that you shouldn't know it, but for a SharePoint exam, it should only ask you questions about SharePoint.

Anyway, if anyone needs a hand with it, just ask me.



Anonymous said...

Are you serious that you need to know the exact steps when configuring ISA/MOM? That's a pain!

Fadi Noja said...

They ask what type of routing rules you need to set up, what packages installed, how to monitor things, etc etc.