Monday 26 May 2008

Optimize Blob Cache by including most used file extensions and increasing the cacheabilty value

To do this, it's very simple.

Please ensure that the “Office Sharepoint Server Publishing” feature is activated on all Publishing sites. Also, you should update the location to the best performing drive, add in extra paths, and add in the max-age to expire based on your situation. For example:

Current setting: <BlobCache location="C:\blobcache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js)$ " maxSize="10" enabled="false"/>

Example Setting: <BlobCache location="E:\blobcache" path="\.(gif|jpg|png|css|js|htc)$ " maxSize="10" max-age="86400" enabled="true"/>

If you have any problems, let me know.



Anonymous said...

Where can we find this entry?

Anonymous said...

I have enabled blobcahe by changing the web.config Blobcache to true and my browser is not receiving images. Is there are any other settings I neet to configure?. I do see the .jpg.cache files in the cache folder.

Fadi Noja said...

Are you getting broken images appearing? Is it a single server farm or a multi-server farm

Anonymous said...

Yes, all images are broken. It is a single server in test environment.

Fadi Noja said...

what if you right click on the image, copy the url and paste it in your browser, does it still come up with a broken link?

Unknown said...

I have changed the web.config file in my Servers for the site using Blogs feature. When I try to enable Object cache reset and Disk Based Cache reset and click OK. It throws an error.

Publishing features are enabled at both Site collection & Site level.

Give your thoughts.


Unknown said...

I have changed the web.config file in my Servers for the site using Blogs feature. When I try to enable Object cache reset and Disk Based Cache reset and click OK. It throws an error.

Publishing features are enabled at both Site collection & Site level.

Give your thoughts.
